Broadoak Primary School

Pupil Voice


Pupil Voice is at the heart of everything we do at Broadoak and we are delighted to announce that our new Pupil Voice Teams for 2024-2025 have now been elected. The Pupil Voice team is primarily comprised of School Council, Values Ambassadors, Wellbeing Warriors, House Captains and Eco Council. The teams meet regularly to discuss important matters, run initiatives and to make decisions which will impact the whole school from Early Years to Year Six.

We also have Broadoak Buddies: Handy Helpers, Game Guiders, Broadoak Friends Forever. Mrs Allen, as PSHE/RSHE lead, works closely with these children. 

Another important pupil group who volunteer their time to support school, are the Sports Crew. Coach Kim and Coach Vicki work closely with these children. 

Within this section of the website, you can see the names of the children who will be carrying out these very important roles and updates of current projects. 


To view our Pupil Voice Policy please follow the link below:

Pupil Voice Policy