Values Ambassadors
Respect - Perseverance -Ambition - Kindness-Honesty-Co-operation-Empathy--Resilience--Acceptance-Gratitude-
Meet Our Values Ambassadors
Year One - Wren & Valentine
Year Two- Isla & Florence
Year Three - Xander & Edward
Year Four - Laurel & Sam
Year Five - Sophia & Henry
Year Six - Isabelle, Madison, Reggie, Jack and Lily
The 52 Lives ‘Kind School’ Pledge
As a 52 Lives Kind School, we pledge our commitment to encouraging a culture of kindness in our classrooms: including both kindness to ourselves and to others.
We understand kindness is a powerful agent for positive change, so the kindness demonstrated within our school will ripple out into our homes, the local community and ultimately the world.
We believe kindness is not just about single kind acts, but rather an attitude and approach to life that threads through everything we do and every interaction we have.
We understand the important role kindness plays in boosting children’s mental and physical health.
We believe that ‘Kind’ is the most important thing a person can be.
Our Broadoak Backpack Character Values.
- Respect
- Perseverance
- Ambition
- Kindness
- Honesty
- Co-operation
- Empathy
- Resilience
- Acceptance
- Gratitude
These values were chosen by parents/carers, pupils and staff at Broadoak.
In our school, we schedule regular time to reflect, discuss, promote and demonstrate our school values as it forms an essential part of our Backpack Curriculum. Evidence of SMSC and values can be found in classrooms, pupils’ work and SMSC class books.
All staff model and positively communicate our school values. We share all of our values with our families weekly via the newsletter, termly via our school website, curriculum pages and curriculum newsletters. The school twitter/X page informs parents about the value of fortnight.
We ask our families to inform us when children have demonstrated these values at home or in the community by completing and sending into school our Values Backpack.
Our Broadoak Values are integral to our school vision, ethos and curriculum. They are reinforced and celebrated regularly in a variety of ways.
School values help to build character and shape the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. So, their importance is not to be underestimated. We endeavor to create confident, kind, happy and resilient children that are fully prepared for their adult life both in future education and employment through their attitude and attributes.
Embedding our school values in day-to-day life can help shape each pupil’s understanding of the world. Everyday activities in school focus on developing character and the children’s own values.
Ways we embed our values:
- Giving responsibility to students
- Promoting our school values so they are lived, recognised and celebrated
- Policies and expectations for behaviour, conduct and how we treat others
- Competitive sport and participation
- Activities/work within the wider community
- Supporting charities
- Opportunities to consider other people - from diverse walks of life -and their lived experienced from the past or the present within our local community or the wider world
- SMSC provision through the curriculum
- Promotion of British Values
- Being a Rights Respecting School
All of these can go a long way to developing pupils’ abilities to show initiative, contribute to others and gain respect and tolerance.
Our Values Ambassadors have been working hard to raise the profile of our Broadaok Backpack Character Values which are a focus each fortnight.
The Value of the Fortnight is displayed in each class. There is also a song which is played and learned in class linked to the school value as chosen by the Values Ambassadors.
We have sent home Backpack shaped comment slips for families to complete with how children have demonstrated our school values at home or in the wider community.
Well Done to our Autumn Term Outstanding Kindness Award Winners - you were nominated by your peers for the kindness you show to others. So proud of you!
January Kindness Challenge - 52 Lives
Each week, children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our Broadoak Backpack Character Values. A child from each class is entered into the Sparkle and Shine Book and comments written about them are shared in assembly. One child from each phase will receive a postcard home from senior leaders and staff. Our Sparkle and Shine Stars are also posted each week on X on the main school feed.