Broadoak Primary School

Writing at Broadoak

 “The pen is mightier than the sword.”  

(English author Edward Bulwer-Lyton in 1839)

Our Aims

At Broadoak, we understand the importance of English in all aspects of education and in society. Children who learn to speak, read and write fluently and confidently are at an advantage when continuing their education and further beyond into the workplace and community.

We intend for our children to be effective communicators; attentive listeners; confident speakers; and grammatically accurate writers.

Our English curriculum offers a wide variety of opportunities to explore and practise both spoken and written language. These opportunities provide pupils with the skills they require to successfully communicate their thoughts, ideas and emotions for a range of audiences and purposes. At the heart of this curriculum are high quality books and a range of stimuli, which have been selected by our leaders and teachers to inspire and engage children, whilst equipping them with the knowledge of the wider world. Alongside this, we use the Spelling Shed spelling scheme as this is a supportive, structed and progressive sequence of lessons.


The Teaching of Writing


Broadoak Primary School believes that English skills are vital to the development of children, so they are prepared for their future life.  A broad and balanced English programme using objectives from the National Curriculum 2014, determines the skills that each year group and Key Stage must cover.  A range of genres are studied and promoted throughout each year alongside high quality, engaging texts to motivate and inspire our writers.  A variety of resources are used to promote a reading and writing culture.  Children are given a range of writing opportunities including the use of paired, group and independent writing tasks.  A culture of learning from each other is promoted through use of co-operative learning structures.  This is developed across both key stages, so that the children learn to respond appropriately and supportively to each other regardless of gender, age, cultural or ethnic background.

The aims of teaching writing in our school are to develop pupils who:

  •  show high levels of achievement and exhibit very positive attitudes towards writing.
  • use and understand language as speakers, readers and writers.
  • are competent, confident and independent in the use of language in their writing.
  • have an awareness of different audiences and purposes for writing.
  • apply their grammatical knowledge in their writing.
  • apply their phonetical and spelling knowledge in their writing.
  • apply the English language in all areas of the curriculum. 


Our school provides daily English lessons that are progressive and support skill development.  The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is followed to ensure continuity and progression from entering Reception Class & then through to the National Curriculum in KS1 & KS2.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is divided into prime and specific areas of learning and development.  'Communication and Language' is one of three prime areas that are fundamental to supporting their language development.  'Communication and Language' is made up of the following aspects: listening and attention, understanding and speaking. ‘English' is one of four specific areas which include the development of essential skills and knowledge and is made up of the two aspects: reading and writing.  Pupil provision is related to attainment, not age.  Children learn through play, speaking and listening activities, teacher modelling, group work and self-direction.

At Broadoak we teach specific Grammar sessions and also have our Grammar Four a day which is a recap of previously taught grammar. As part of our enriched curriculum, English opportunities are planned through a variety of ways including through our author and via other subjects.

In English lessons across both Key Stages, teachers plan a sequence of lessons that explore quality texts and give pupils the opportunity to practice writing and reading skills through the use of co-operative learning structures.  Teachers model these skills on regular basis and planning, editing, publishing and ICT based tasks can be planned in as part of the teaching sequence.  

Handwriting sessions are taught regularly to the children and follow a cursive programme.  The children have separate handwriting books and are expected to apply this cursive script into their daily writing.


Assessment for learning strategies are used on a daily basis.  These will allow a picture to be built up of the pupils’ progress, any areas of strength or weakness which can then be addressed in teachers’ planning.

Assessment of writing is completed termly.  Children complete independent writing pieces within a unit of work, which are assessed against our writing criteria.  Analysis of the data impacts upon teachers planning so pupils’ needs can be addressed. Moderation of teacher assessment is also completed termly in order to ensure that judgements are accurate. This is to ensure that children are making at least expected progress if not more than expected progress, this is then monitored by subject leaders and SLT.  Children who are not on track are identified for intervention.

At the end of KS1 and KS2, teachers use the Teacher Assessment Framework to report Teacher assessment.

Letter Formation at Broadoak

Handwriting at Broadoak

Handwriting practise takes place every week and there is the expectation that children reflect the formation and joins in their daily writing. We feel it is important to support children to develop neat, attractive and consistent handwriting. The development of an efficient, legible style assists pupils in all forms of written recording. We want to help children with layout, presentation and the way they organise themselves on paper. If success is achieved here they have pride in their written work, tend to be better at spelling and are more motivated to write. Getting the right habits established early on is important for future success. To encourage this every child at the beginning of a new term will make a Handwriting Pledge in their English books. This pledge will be a promise to always try their best with their handwriting and take pride in all their written work.

 Text Overviews

Below, you will find a link to each year groups text overviews for the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms. Information on high quality books which the children will be using in English lessons and the writing outcomes can all be found here as well as recommended wrap around books children may want to read to support their learning and the curriculum.

Please see Nursery and Reception class pages for their overviews. 

Autumn Text Overviews

Year 1 Autumn overview.pdf

Year 2 Autumn overview.pdf

Year 3 Autumn Overview.pdf

Year 4 Autumn Overview.pdf

Year 5 Autumn Overviews.pdf

Year 6 Autumn Term Overview.pdf


Spring Text Overviews

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Summer Text Overviews

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Curriculum Overview for Writing (including spoken language and vocabulary

Here you can find a summary of how writing is taught from Year One- Six at Broadoak and the application of writing across the curriculum.

New curriculum overview WRITING

Writing Journey at Broadoak