Broadoak Primary School


The English curriculum at Broadoak is aimed to provide thoroughly engaging experiences for children throughout the school so that they can read, write and speak fluently, communicating their ideas and emotions to others.  We take every opportunity to immerse the children in engaging, high quality texts through drama, role-play, storytelling, art, music and discussion.  

We firmly believe that children learn best when learning activities are well planned, ensuring progress in the short, medium and long term. The teaching of English should enthuse, engage and motivate children to learn and foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Assessment informs teaching so that there is provision for support, consolidation and extension for each child, at each level of attainment. At Broadoak, there are strong links between school and home and the importance of parental involvement in their child’s learning is recognised, valued and developed.


The Teaching of English

As a school, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in our Nursery and Reception classes. For Year One through to Year Six, we follow the the National Curriculum 2014 and have set out Age Related Expectations for each year group. The key end of year expectations can be found in the Broadoak Backpacks which are available on the curriculum home page. For a more detailed overview of the English content please follow the links below for each year group.


Early Years English Curriculum

Year 1 English Curriculum - Reading / Writing

Year 2 English Curriculum - Reading / Writing

Year 3 English Curriculum - Reading / Writing

Year 4 English Curriculum - Reading / Writing

Year 5 English Curriculum - Reading Writing

Year 6 English Curriculum - Reading / Writing

Regular parent meetings and workshops are provided for parents to provide further information.  Alongside these, termly curriculum overviews are available on the class pages on the curriculum tab of the website. These provide specific guidance and support to parents on what their children will be learning in school.