Relationship and Sex Education
'Children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and they need to know how to be safe and healthy. RSHE helps them embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life. These subjects support children and young people to develop healthy relationships, and to keep themselves and others safe, both on and offline.'
Broadoak Primary School delivers a Relationships and Sex Education programme in line with the new RSE statutory elements of the curriculum. RSE forms part of our PSHE curriculum. We deliver the Relationship and Sex Education content, during spring term. Relationship Education features in many PSHE units as it is a key thread within this curriculum. Each year group in Key Stage One and Two, will be taught a unit relevant to their particular age group. There will also be reinforcement of units previously taught, building on prior knowledge and understanding.
The RSE curriculum is a continuous process of education throughout your child’s school life, of which these lessons are only one part. At Broadoak, we believe that RSE is a valuable part of children’s education, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for them to become confident and happy young adults who form safe and healthy relationships.
A well-planned Relationships and Sex Education curriculum is essential if young people are to make responsible and informed decisions about their lives. It will enable our children to mature, build-up confidence and deal with the many conflicting pressures on young people today.
Some elements of RSE are non-statutory and so we are obliged to inform parents and carers that you may withdraw your child from this element of the curriculum if you wish. However, we believe that because of the increasing access to sexual references on social media, news and TV, it is important that our children have a place to discuss concerns, raise questions and be given the correct information in a safe space. Even if a child is withdrawn, many children will discuss the lessons outside of the classroom. We therefore feel it is important that all children are receiving the same messages and have equal opportunities to access this part of the curriculum.
Sex Education forms part of the Statutory Science National Curriculum which includes content about human development, including reproduction, from which there is no right to withdraw. Additionally, you cannot withdraw your child from the Relationships Education aspect of RSE.
Parents and carers have been consulted with in relation to the RSE curriculum. Below is a copy of the letter sent to parents, information about what will be covered in the curriculum for each year group, the RSE Policy and the template parents and carers must fill in if they wish for their child to be withdrawn from the Sex Education elements of the RSE curriculum.
DFE RSE Guidance for Parents & Carers
RSE Letter to Parents & Carers - Curriculum Information