Broadoak Primary School


Mental Health Provision and Support

What is Place2Be?

At school, we have support for our children though our Place2Be Mental Health Practitioner, Tracey Summerlin.  Place2Be, is a  children’s mental health charity that helps children to explore their emotions and feel better about themselves. There are a range of services available to children through individual and small group work to support in their moments of need. Tracey is based at Broadoak each Tuesday and Wednesday. We are lucky and grateful to have this service in school due to being part of the Salford Law Family Project. 


Sometimes children can feel particularly sad, confused, scared or angry. Maybe something difficult has happened at home, like losing a family member or parents separating. Or perhaps they’re struggling with something in school. This can make them behave differently, lose confidence in themselves or find it difficult to concentrate in class. Place2Be is there to help children find ways to cope, so their worries don’t get in the way of their friendships, their learning or how they feel about themselves.

How is support delivered to children? 

Children, with parental consent, can access:


  • 121 Counselling - a 10 week therapy programme. Parents and teachers are involved in the assessment process and Tracey supports parents through parent partnership during the programme. 
  • Journey of Hope- an 8 week programme that allows children to explore emotions in a safe space. 
  • Place2Talk- a self referral service where children can ask to speak with Tracey about something they are worried about during break and lunch time.   

What difference does Place2Be make in School?

To learn more about the impact Place2Be can have in school, please see the information leaflet below which outlines how the service works and how support is given to children. 


Place2Be also offers Personalised Individual Parenting Training (PIPT) to parents and carers who are looking for advice and guidance on how to interact with their children, and manage behaviour of concern.  This is bespoke training for the family and has sessions for parents and children together and for parents separately. 

If you are interested in this provision, speak to Tracey Summerlin via calling the school office or email Tracey directly at

For further information, please visit


For information about Children's Mental Health Week 2024, please visit:

In Summer 2, Tracey will begin transition to KS2 sessions with our current year 2 children.

Emma (a Place2Be practitioner) will also support some of our Y6 children with their transition to high school.

All year 6 children have had a programme of transition support over the course of the year. 

High school transition sessions will also be scheduled on their site during Summer 2.


Children in KS1 and KS2, can also book a short appointment to talk about any problems or worries they have – this is called Place2Talk. This service is available at break and lunchtime via a pre booked session.

How does Place2Be work with adults?

Place2Be provides support and advice for parents and carers, as well as teachers and school staff.

Visit or get in touch with our Place2Be Mental Health Practitioner, Tracey Summerlin, via the class teacher. 

Parenting Smart

Place2Be have a new 'Parenting Smart' website which offers 51 topics of practical advice on supporting your child and managing their behaviour. Parents may wish to have support with something difficult which has happened at home, like losing a family member or parents separating or any general conduct issues.


Support for all school staff with understanding the communication behind the behaviour of children and advice and guidance of the best approach to support the child's wellbeing and emotional and mental health when they are in need. 

This service also enables Tracey to support staff with their own emotional selfcare and wellbeing. 


Top Tips for Parents

Talking to your Child about Mental Health

This year, Children’s Mental Health Week is about making your voice heard. Sometimes children find it tricky to express their thoughts, feelings and needs. The sentence starters in this pack are designed to help your children child make their voice heard in different situations. You can read through the phrases together to support your child.


Age 7-11 Resource 

Age 5-7 Resource


 Whole Class Work

Place2Be run transition workshops in the Summer term for Year 6 and Year 2 to support their transition to high school and to Key Stage 2.

Bespoke whole class work depending upon the needs of the school such as self-esteem, friendships etc

121 Counselling

This is a therapeutic intervention with a trained Place2Be Mental Health practitioner which are initially scheduled for 10 weekly sessions. A referral for 121 can be made by the child, the parent or any member of school staff who is concerned about a child’s emotional wellbeing.

What do our children say about Place2Be in school? 

"Most people should do Journey of Hope because it's great and it makes you feel better" -LKS2 child.

"I feel more confident and feel like my self-esteem has grown. I got to know more people and they are friends now"LKS2 child.

"I feel so relieved to be able to talk to someone. I think that things will start to get better now." UKS2 child.

"Thank you for talking to me. I thought it was the end of the world when I didn’t get into the school but I don’t feel as bad now." UKS2 child.

"Thank you for running these classes. I feel better about high school. We talked about things that I was thinking about... It was good to know that my friends were feeling some of the same things and we can talk about them now." UKS2 child. 

"I don’t feel angry anymore." KS1 child.

To access Tracey's One Page Profile, please see the document below.