Mental Health Provision and Support
We are proud to be a part of the myHappymind family!
As a whole school program grounded in science and dedicated to building positive mental wellbeing, myHappymind helps children understand how their brains work and creates a culture that helps to build children's resilience, confidence, and self-esteem. myHappymind also teaches the children how to self-regulate and manage their emotions in stressful times, allowing them to be their very best selves!Through a series of assemblies and lessons, the children are taught preventative habits that support positive mental health.
The myHappymind lessons and assemblies, help the children to:
- Feel happier
- Know what to do when they feel worried or stressed
- Improve their focus and learn more
- Achieve more of the goals that they set for themselves
- Develop better relationships with friends and families
- Feel great about who they are and have positive self esteem
Learn more here:
Curriculum Strands and Key Information
myHappymind is taught from Nursery to Year 6 and focuses on 5 key curriculum strands: Meet your Brain, Celebrate, Appreciate, Relate and Engage.
The 5 different modules will help the children with...
Understanding how their brain works and how to ensure we look after it so that we can manage our emotions and be at our best. Growth mindset is a key part of this too.
Understanding their unique character strengths and learning to celebrate them. This is a fantastic module for building self-esteem.
Understanding why gratitude matters and how we can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to well-being and resilience and we're all about making it a habit!
Understanding why positive relationships matter and how to build them. We're focussed on the building blocks of good relationships and friendships
Understanding how to set meaningful goals that matter and how to keep resilient in times of challenge. This module is all about building self-esteem and resilience too.
Meet Your Brain parent newsletter
Celebrate parent newsletter
Appreciate parent newsletter
Relate parent newsletter
The myHappymind program overview
Meet Team HAP! Team HAP helps children learn all about 3 key parts of their brain: the Hippocampus, the Amygdala and the Pre-frontal Cortex and the different jobs they do.
The children will learn that their brain works best when all 3 areas worth together. They learn how the Amygdala controls fight, flight or freeze when our brains sense we are in danger or perceived danger and how the Pre-frontal Cortex and Hippocampus sleep when the Amygdala takes over. They will learn strategies about how to calm the Amygdala and restore balance.
Parents and myHappymind
To further embed this learning, myHappymind has developed a set of resources for parents. These resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The resources allow children to continue to practise some of the habits they have developed at school, such as happy breathing, and for you to learn more about what they are learning in the program. Also included are activities for you to do together at home, to complement the in-school lessons - such as Happy Breathing.
To access these materials just go to and enter your name, email, and school authentication code.(All parents and carers have received this code via email.)
We really encourage you to make use of this free content so that you can support your child in getting the best out of the curriculum. If you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
To download the myHappymind parent app, use the QR code below.
Or, parents can download the App using these links. The School authentication code has been emailed to parents directly.
If parents have already created an account when we first launched myHappymind, they will be able to sign into the new App straight away.
myHappymind Parent App Introduction - Video with Laura Earnshaw, the founder of myHappymind
The myHappymind parent app has just been updated - it now has these new, exciting features:
Mini Masterclasses for Parents
A new Kids Zone which is jam-packed with things for the children to enjoy, such as animated stories, Happy Breathing, music and the brand new myHappymind games.
Brand new children's activities and much more!
To support our Year Six children with SATs, the children will complete 7 specially designed sessions. The ‘Be Your Best’ programme aims to help children to perform at their best when they are preparing for SATs or an upcoming assessment/test. It will give them some Top Tips and strategies to help them feel prepared and ready for their assessment.
The programme includes bitesize videos (also available as podcast only), to watch in the run-up, the day before and after the assessments to help them be their best. There is also a workbook for them to complete after each video too.
We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! (July 2024)
This means that as a school, we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities. We have created a whole school culture that helps build our children's resilience, confidence and self esteem as well as teaching them how to self regulate in those stressful times.
This Accreditation badge has been awarded thanks to all the effort our staff, children, governors and parents have put in to bring the lessons of myHappymind to life all around our school!