How are the teachers at Broadoak Primary School helped to work with children with SEND, and what training do the teachers have?
The Headteacher is an experienced SENCo who had many years experience in this area before taking up post as Headteacher. The school has a part time, non teaching qualified SENDCo.
The SENCo’s job is to support the class teacher in planning for children with SEN. The school provides training support to enable all staff to improve their teaching and learning of children, including those with SEN. This includes whole school training on SEN issues, such as Quality First Teaching, Planning appropriate intervention as well as specific issues including Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), emotional health and well being and Dyslexia.
A number of staff members are trained in particular areas:
- The SENDCo has the NASENDCo qualification
- 4 staff are team teach trained - positive behaviour management.
- Teaching assistants experienced in using a range of interventions
- All TAs completed a range of training programmes including Precision Teaching, ASC, Emotional/Behaviour Support, emotion coaching, friendship interventions etc
- One Level 3 TA trained in Maths Recovery
- LA staff support from trained Visually Impaired (VI) and Hearing Impaired (HI) personnel
- Two teachers and five teaching assistants are trained in ELKLAN