Modern Foreign Language
“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom."
(Roger Bacon)
Vision Statement
At Broadoak, we want our children and their families to develop positive attitudes to, and respect for, languages and cultures other than their own. We believe that learning a Modern Foreign Language will open doors to our children’s futures; equipping them with a life-long practical skill, and that their language learning at primary school will provide them with the building blocks for learning many languages at high school.
Through our teaching and learning in Spanish, we aim to foster children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of how the English language works as they compare it to Spanish. The focus on speaking, listening and practical games and activities which lead into reading and writing encourages a deeper level of engagement and enjoyment for all pupils, whilst strengthening their communication skills in a positive and supportive environment.
Aims and Objectives
At all key stages Spanish (MFL) teaching aims to ensure that all pupils:
- To foster an interest in language learning by introducing children to other languages in a way that is enjoyable and accessible to all pupils;
- To stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language and creativity through experimentation;
- To support oracy and literacy, and in particular develop speaking and listening skills;
- To help children develop their awareness of cultural similarities and differences and to provide a vehicle for multi-cultural understanding;
- To lay the foundations for future language study;
- To give an extra dimension to teaching and learning across the curriculum.
In order to achieve our aims, we provide:
- High quality teaching and learning which enables all children to succeed and achieve
- An interesting learning environment in which children feel safe and secure
- Opportunities for children to be actively involved and engaged in their own learning, through creative approaches to learning with curriculum links to other subjects when appropriate
- Opportunities to promote independence
- Evaluations of children’s progress towards the National Curriculum guidelines which inform planning at all stages
- Effective monitoring of teaching and learning.
Broadoak Primary School Spanish (MFL) |
Intent | Implementation | Impact |
What will take place before teaching in the classroom? | What will this look like in the classroom? | How will this be measured |
The school’s senior leadership team will: | Our teaching sequence will be: | Pupil Voice will show: |
The Curriculum Leader will: | Our classrooms will: | Displays around school / books will show: |
The class teacher will, with support from the curriculum leader: | Our children will / will be: | The curriculum leader will: |
xx Children will leave us with a Backpack of knowledge, skills and understanding as detailed below: |
xx In their Broadoak Backpack for Life, an accomplished Linguist will…x |
Spanish in Early Years
Spanish in Key Stage One
Spanish in Key Stage Two
Whole School Curriculum Overview
Whole School Spanish (MFL) Curriculum Overview |
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Nursery |
Celebrate European Languages Day Start Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Nursery Learn how to say in Spanish:
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Nursery Learn how to say in Spanish:
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Nursery Learn how to say in Spanish:
Reception |
Celebrate European Languages Day Consolidate Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum from Nursery Start Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Reception |
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Reception
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Reception
Year 1 |
Celebrate European Languages Day Consolidate Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum from Nursery and Reception. Start Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 1 |
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 1
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 1
Year 2 |
Celebrate European Languages Day Consolidate Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum from Nursery, Recepetion and Year 1. Start Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 2 |
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 2
Continue with Broadoak Life Skills Curriculum for Year 2
Subject Focus | Ourselves | Animals | Hobbies | |
Year 3 (First Half Term) |
How can I describe myself in Spanish? |
How can I describe the colour of my pet? |
How do I give my opinion about my hobbies? | |
Key Themes: Ourselves including basic greetings, name, age, where I live and numbers to 20. | Key Themes: Naming and describing pet animals including colour. Extending sentences to use the conjunction ‘y’. | Key Themes: Learning actions through hobbies. Using 'me gusta' to express an opinion. | ||
Subject Focus | Celebrations | Weather | Holidays | |
Year 3 (Second Half Term) |
How can I describe Spanish Christmas traditions? |
How do I name the weather? | How can I say where and how I travel on holiday? | |
Key Themes: Introducing colour adjectives to describe and name Christmas objects. |
Key Themes: Introducing weather and continuing using the conjunction 'y'. Consolidating numbers to 20. Days of the week. |
Key Themes: To name and describe how and where I travelled on holiday including modes of transport and other countries and cities in Spain. | ||
Subject Focus | Ourselves | Animals | Hobbies | |
Year 4 (First Half Term) |
How can I name my family? | How can I describe zoo animals including colours and character? | How can I give an opinion on the days of the week I do my hobbies? | |
Key Themes: Introducing immediate family members including mother, father, siblings, grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins. | Key Themes: Read the story 'Querido Zoo - Dear Zoo'. Consolidate knowledge and understanding of m and f nouns and how to make adjectives agree with the noun. | Key Themes: Continue to express an opinion about hobbies by extending sentences to include days of the week, negatives (no, me gusta) and the conjunctions 'y' and 'pero'. | ||
Subject Focus | Celebrations | Weather | Holidays | |
Year 4 (Second Half Term) |
How can I describe Christmas including size and colour? | How can I describe the weather in different seasons and months of the year? | How can I order food and drink? | |
Key Themes: Name and describe Christmas objects using size and colour. Consolidate knowledge and understanding of m and f nouns and how adjectives change to agree with the noun. | Key Themes: Extend weather sentences to include seasons and months of the year. Know numbers to 31 and be able to write the date. | Key Themes: Naming food and drink items. Ask and answer what you would like to eat and drink. | ||
Subject Focus | Ourselves | School | Hobbies | |
Year 5 (First Half Term) |
How can I describe my hair and eyes? |
How do my hobbies change with the weather? | |
Key Themes: To name and describe my hair and eyes. To begin to understand plurals. | Key Themes: To begin to conjugate the verb 'tener' to ask and answer questions about school equipment. To extend the use the conjunctions to include: 'y', 'pero', 'en', and 'tambien'. | Key Themes: Extend knowledge and understanding of hobbies to include 'me gusta', 'me encanta' and 'odio'. Extend sentences by linking hobbies to the weather. | ||
Subject Focus | Celebrations | Weather | Holidays | |
Year 5 (Second Half Term) |
How can I describe Día de los Muertos? | How can I describe the weather including directions? | How can I say which clothes I would take on holiday? | |
Key Themes: To continue to use plurals to describe size and colour and to make adjectives agree with the noun. | Key Themes: To continue with weather and extend my knowledge and understanding to include directions and points of a compass. Read a weather map. Numbers to 50. | Key Themes: Naming and describing clothes to pack for holiday linking to the weather (hot and cold). | ||
Subject Focus | Ourselves | School | Hobbies | |
Year 6 (First Half Term) |
How can I describe others including my family? | How do I give an opinion about school subjects? | How do I say what time I do my hobbies? | |
Key Themes: Extending our hair and eye knowledge and understanding by describing our family members including using pronouns. | Key Themes: Extending our opinions to include plurals and the conjunctions: 'y', 'pero', 'también' and 'porque' with reasons. | Key Themes: Extend sentences about hobbies to include telling the time to o'clock and half past. | ||
tSubject Focus | Celebrations | Weather | Holidays | |
Year 6 (Second Half Term) |
How are Christmas celebrations different in Spain to UK? | How is the weather in Spain? | How can I say what someone else would like to eat and drink? | |
Key Themes: Extend knowledge and understanding of Christmas in Spain and give an opinion including plurals. | Key Themes: Extend knowledge and understanding of weather in Spain to create a weather map/report. Understand and know numbers to 100. | Key Themes: Extend knowledge and understanding from Year 4 by conjugating verbs to refer to other people. Ask and answer what someone else would like to eat and drink. |