Broadoak Primary School

Broadoak Backpack Character Values

Respect - Perseverance - Ambition -  Kindness  - Honesty - Co-operation - Empathy -  Resilience -  Acceptance - Gratitude

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to our Reception page!

Here you will find regular updates and key information throughout the year, relating to everything that is happening in Reception. Below you will find details related to our class curriculum, along with news, dates and important updates. You will also be able to see photographs and videos of the exciting activities that we have been doing in our lessons through our Twitter page - Window into the Classroom.

Reception Team


Miss Samson's Class

2024 - 2025

Mrs Stribling's Class

2024 - 2025

The Reception Staff Team

Teaching Team:  Miss Samson, Mrs Stribling, Mrs Brelsford, Miss Clarke, Mrs Burns and Miss Cull

Health and Well-being Team:  Coach Kim and Coach Vicki

Key Stage Leader:  Miss Samson & Mrs Moss

SENDCO: Mrs. Puckey / Deputy Headteacher: Miss Fairhurst / Headteacher: Mrs. Wild

Teaching Team

Health and Wellbeing Team

Key Dates and Reminders

PE: Every Monday - children to wear PE kits on this day.

Homework: This is allocated, every Wednesday and should be completed and returned to school by Monday.

Reading: We ask that all children have their reading record signed by an adult each time they have read at home.  We have adopted a traffic light system to encourage the consistency of reading at home across the school.  Weekly, staff will check the reading records and record either a red, amber or green traffic light:

 Red : Read 3 times or less

 Amber : Read 4 times

 Green : Read 5 times or more

The children's names are put into a 'Traffic Light Treat' draw on a Friday, if your child has read 5 times or more that week and their name comes out of the box, they will choose a special prize from the Traffic Light Treat box!


Homework is handed out every Wednesday and will include a range of activities including handwriting, maths and topic activities.


Head Bump Protocol

If children have a head injury when at school, they will be assessed by a First Aider. Should the injury be a minor bump, parents/carers will receive an email to inform them that their child has bumped their head in addition to a sticker and a first aid note being sent home. Parents/carers do not need to respond to this email – it is just another way to ensure parents and carers are informed.

If a child has a head injury which the first aider believes need to be checked or the child is unwell after a head injury, a telephone call to parents/carers will be made and they will be asked to collect their child and advised to seek medical advice. In the most serious cases, medical assistance would be called to school.

Window into the Classroom - Twitter

To enable you to gain an insight into some of the learning and experiences that your child will have whilst in Reception, we will tweet pictures, videos and work which you can use as a starting point for discussion at home with your child.

Parent Curriculum Meeting Presentation

Rewards and Celebrations


Class Dojo: Children can earn 'Dojo Points' for any number of positive reasons, such as: following our Golden Rules, demonstrating our character values, excellent attitude, effort and achievement. 

Dojo Dip Winner: Weekly celebration for a child in each class who are awarded the most Dojo Points. The winner selects a book to take home and keep as a reward for their achievement. 

Achievement Awards: One child from each class is awarded the Achievement Award to reflect the excellent learning they have demonstrated that week  These certificates are awarded to the children during Friday Class Celebration Assembly.  As an additional reward, the children also bring home the class toy for the weekend.

Sparkle and Shine Book: Each week, a child is selected from each class who has been demonstrating our focus Broadoak Value. This is announced in the Friday Celebration Assembly and children may receive a special postcard home for their efforts.

Star of PE: Our Health and Well-being coaches award 'Star of PE' to children who show a commitment to their physical and metal well-being. 


myHappymind  - Mental Health 

In the Appreciate module, children will learn about gratitude or being thankful and how it makes them feel with a new character, Arabella.  The children will learn about different categories of things that they can be grateful for e.g. other people, experiences and finally themselves. They will complete activities and even join in with a song that helps  remind them of many things they can be grateful for. 

In the Relate module, the children will learn the importance of being able to relate to and get along with others in order to have positive relationships .It uses Character Strengths to illustrate the need to be able to see other perspectives in order to build relationships. Through lots of examples and discussion, the children learn about a key skill that will serve them well in relationship building. Active Listening - is focused on building Active Listening skills. The Active Listening checklist includes: making eye contact, smiling, having no distractions, remembering what is said, asking questions to clarify and summarising. We also link this to what they have learnt about gratitude in the previous lessons so that they can bring the concepts together, and show gratitude to others for offering different perspectives.


We use cursive font at school. Please see below the formation of letters and the letter families.

We encourage children to take pride in their presentation.

The Reception Curriculum

A bespoke curriculum for our Reception children.

In Reception, your child will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. We are committed to the overarching principles which shape practice in the early years.

These are:

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between school and parents and/or carers.
  • Children develop and learn at different rates.

Reception Broadoak Backpack for Life

Reception - Parent Curriculum Overview - Spring 1 2025

(Please click on the link above to download a copy)

Reception - Parent Curriculum Overview - Spring 2 2025

(Please click on the link above to download a copy)


In Reception, children are grouped according to their phonic knowledge.  Sessions are delivered daily and focus on the systematic teaching of letters and their corresponding sounds. 

Supersonic Phonic Friends is the adopted scheme that is used by staff to deliver engaging and interactive daily phonic sessions.

**Reading for at least 10 minutes every day is great for your child’s happiness, wellbeing and, of course, for improving their reading and writing!

Our Commitment to Embedding a Life Long Love of Reading to ALL children


What is Reading at Broadoak?

At Broadoak Primary School, we want all children to develop a lifelong love of reading that will become an integral part of their future. As a school, we believe that creating a culture of reading is a vital tool in ensuring our children are given the best life chances. Cultivating readers with a passion for a wide range of materials, will ensure that children’s love of reading will extend far beyond the classroom and allow them to build on their skills independently through a real curiosity and thirst for knowledge.


It is our aim that all pupils-irrespective of their needs, abilities or background- will be able to:


  • Read with confidence, fluency and understanding
  • Develop the pleasure of reading widely and often and appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
  • Use higher order reading skills including retrieval and inference through the use of text referral, assessment of author’s intentions, justifications of their opinions and judgements and in the pursuit of critical awareness
  • Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. 

We use individual reading books, weekly book focuses to frame learning, high quality key texts and Broadoak's 50 Brilliant Books to engage all our children in reading.

Reading at Home - Support for Parents

Parents play a vital part in their child's learning and progress.  Parents can support by reading daily, accessing the Supersonic Phonic Friends Newsletters, bedtime stories, modelling reading for pleasure as an adult, reading in the environment, trips to the library plus much more.

Sharing a book with a child is fun! It's a time for affection, laughing and talking together – and it can also give children a head start in life and help them become lifelong readers.

Spring 1

Week 1 - Key Text

You Must Bring a Hat

by Simon Philip

Spring 1

Week 4 - Key Text

The Queen's Hat

by Steve Antony

Spring 1

Week 2 - Key Text

Have You Seen My Hat?

by Angie Wilhite

Spring 1

Week 5 - Key Text

Get Ahead Fred

by Daisey Dawes

Spring 1

Week 3 - Key Text

I Want My Hat Back

by Jon Klassen

Spring 1

Week 6 - Key Text

Hats of Faith

by Medeia Cohan-Petrolino

Spring 2

Week 1 - Key Text

The Gingerbread Man

by Lesley Sims

Spring 2

Week 4 - Key Text

Jack and the Baked Beanstalk

by Colin Stimpson

Spring 2

Week 2 - Key Text

The Gingerbread Man:

What Happened Next? 

Spring 2

Week 5 - Key Text

The Enormous Turnip

by Katie Daynes

Spring 2

Week 3 - Key Text

Jack and the Beanstalk

by Anna Milbourne

Broadoak's 50 Brilliant Books - Reception


This term the children will extend their counting forwards and backwards from 0 to 20. They will recognise the numerals 1-10, extending from 11 -20 when ready and match these numerals to quantities. The children will consolidate their accuracy when counting using 1:1 correspondence. They will subitise numbers up to 10 and will continue to explore their composition. The children will begin to recognise number bonds to 10.  The children learn the names of common 3D shapes (sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid, cuboid) as well as the language of measurement (length, weight, time). Children will begin to complete simple addition and subtraction sums using practical materials and explore ways to record this. 

EYFS Addition Strategies

EYFS Multiplication Strategies

Online Safety Rules 

EYFS Subtraction Strategies

EYFS Division Strategies

Online Safety - Child-friendly Policy

Our School Anti-Bullying Policy - Child Friendly

Our Full / Wider Curriculum Offer

A Virtual Visit to our Reception Unit

Click on the door to explore the provision available to children in our Reception Unit.

Reception Annual Life Skills Curriculum Overview