Early Years Welcome
Message from Mrs. Wild...
Our vision – our commitment
We work hard to ensure that every pupil develops as a happy and successful child. We provide a safe and innovative indoor and outdoor environment for learning. By working together, with parents, to achieve our best, we enable all our children to reach their full potential. We value and celebrate all their achievements. Our aim is for all our pupils to become considerate, enquiring and self-confident young people, with a lifelong love of learning and the skills for life.
We strive for excellence in everything we do.
I am happy. I am a Broadoak child.
The school and my parents work together to help me achieve my best. They guide me and show me how to work and play positively with my friends. I show respect, at all times, by being polite and considerate. I strive for excellence and work hard to achieve my goals. It is important to me to celebrate both my success and the success of others. I learn from excellent teachers in an exciting indoor and outdoor environment that prepares me with a backpack of skills for life. I have an enquiring mind and am fascinated by the world around me. I have a love of learning that will carry on as I grow.
I am happy and proud to be a Broadoak child.
To meet our vision, the school is committed to the following strategies:
- We will nurture a life long love of learning.
- We will have a stimulating enquiry based and relevant curriculum that is based on accurate and informed assessments.
- We will have a high calibre team who share the schools unique values.
- We will have highly effective and transparent communication networks.
- We will use innovative technology and resources to support and extend purposeful learning opportunities.
- We will ensure high standards of attainment and progress for all pupils.
Broadoak Nursery
Nursery sessions are planned with a balance of child initiated and adult led activities (including carpet times) which will build up over the year. Resources are introduced throughout the year to support children in the seven areas of learning both through self directed play, and with adults supporting and extend their play.
Each day your child will have access to the indoor and outdoor areas in nursery. During group carpet times red, blue and yellow groups listen to stories, learn to sing songs, take part in phonics and mathematics activities. They have the opportunity to listen to adults and to each other as information and ideas are shared.
During Morning snack time children have toast with water and during afternoon snack time a fruit or vegetable snack and milk or water. At lunchtime children are encouraged to eat using knives forks and spoons. Social eating and drinking are an important part of personal, social and emotional development.
Each area in Nursery is carefully laid out to allow children to access the resources they need to play linking both their own learning needs and interests to the current Nursery theme.
Below you can view some videos of our Nursery Unit and the provision we offer.
Polly Parrot's Room
Purple Bear's Room
Gerry Giraffe's Room
Outdoor Provision
Nursery Continuous Provision Learning
Areas inside Broadoak Nursery:
- sand area contains various resources such as spades, buckets, sticks and small world toys, which allow children to build and imaginatively play.
- water area contains various resources such as pipes, funnels, containers and small world toys, which allow children to pour, fill and empty containers and play imaginatively.
- number area, with resources linked to counting and numbers.
- shape, space and measures area, with resources linked to 2d and 3d shapes, sizes and measuring time.
- phonics area, with phonics resources currently linked to one of the 7 aspects from phase 1.
- mark making area, with resources for drawing, writing and mark making.
- Role play areas include a domestic home and a cafe linked to our current topic, allowing children to develop their ability to take on a role, tell a story and other personal and social skills such as turn taking, putting dressing up clothes on and working together.
- cutting area for children to cut with scissors.
- workshop area for children to access a range of tools such as scissors, glue, hole punches and sellotape, for creating their own collages, models and designs. T
- book corner, contains books related to our current focus, as well as a wide range of information, fiction and poetry books to choose from.
- music area children can listen to and make their own music with a range of instruments. there are also mirrors, scarves and ribbons to allow them to enjoy moving to music.
- construction areas include wooden blocks and smaller construction toys such as mobilo and magnetics. In these areas children can join pieces together and build models using their imagination and fine motor skills.
- science area allows children to test out ideas and make observations about the world around them.
- paint and painting areas contain a range of tools and materials for painting and other art work so that children can produce their own multi-media artwork.
Our Nursery Learning Environment
Areas outside Broadoak Nursery:
- bikes, trikes and scooters allow children the opportunity to learn and practise their riding skills on a roadway which incorporates a slight hill and several twists and turns.
- number and shape area, includes large numicon pieces and colourful shapes to build pictures.
- role play area petrol station.
- active and adventure area allows children to climb, move along and balance. It incorporates steps up to a 'den' and tyres.
- large sand pit contains various resources such as spades, buckets and moulds which allow children to build and imaginatively play on a large scale with their wellies on.
- large water area contains various resources such as pipes, funnels, containers and dolls, which allow children to pour, fill and empty containers and play imaginatively on a large scale.
- digging area currently contains plant pots trowels and small forks for children to dig.
- bug hotel, with magnifying glasses, bug pots and identification charts allows children to find, collect and identify mini-beast areas.
- construction area with large wooden bricks, material and builders tools allow children to work alone or with others to make large scale models, using their imagination.
- investigations area currently has colourful discovery bottles and a bid table.
Frequently asked questions by new to Nursery parents...
If my child attends Broadoak Nursery, will they automatically be allocated a place in Reception for the following year?
Nursery and Reception are completely independent application processes. As Nursery is non statutory provision, this does not automatically entitle a place in Reception the following year.
Do Nursery children wear uniform?
At Broadoak, all children wear a school uniform. Our uniform is available to view on our information section of our school website.
Do Nursery children need a PE kit?
Yes, Nursery children will have a PE session with the Sports Coaches each week and will need a PE Kit of black/navy blue shorts, white T-shirt/ plain black pumps.
Will my child need to bring wellies to play outside?
Yes, children will need wellies in school so they can change into them when accessing the outdoor leaning environment.
Do I need to send in a set of spare clothes?
In Nursery we have spare clothes which can be used if necessary to change your child. Parents are welcome to send in a spare set of clothes that can be left on their child’s peg to be used if required.
What happens during a Nursery day?
The Nursery day follows a set structure that quickly becomes familiar to the children. The day is organised into free play sessions within the continuous learning environment, carpet times that include story, singing, phonics, snack etc
What time do I drop off my child? What time do I pick up my child?
The school operate a staggered drop off and pick up system. Drop off is from 8:45am - 8:55am and collection is from 3:20pm - 3:30pm.
Does my child start full time at the start of September?
An induction programme will be planned for all children.
Do I need to pay for anything?
In Nursery, lunchtimes are used as a social event where children develop key early life skills. A weekly charge is made for school lunches.
We have a voluntary Early Years Fund of £6 per term which we use to cover small consumables such a baking ingredients, curriculum enhancements etc
When can the children use the outdoor areas?
Apart from snack time, carpet time and lunchtime, children can free flow into the outdoor areas throughout the school day.
How are the children grouped in Nursery?
Children are divided into 3 groups (Red, Blue and Yellow). The groups are sorted using a variety of criteria including age and gender.
Does my child mix with children in the other groups or do they just play with their group?
Children can free flow across all areas of nursery and therefore can interact with children from all groups.
How is phonics taught in Nursery?
Nursery staff use the 'Jolly Phonics' scheme to familiarise the children with their letter names and sounds. Broadoak teaches phonics through a synthetic approach.
My child is not toilet trained, is this a problem?
No. We ask that parents begin the process of toilet training ahead of starting nursery. If there are individual children who are not toilet trained, the staff will discuss with parents and put a home / school plan in place.
Broadoak Reception
The Reception Unit is carefully laid out to allow children to access the seven areas of learning through self directed play, allowing adults to support and extend their learning alongside them. Within the Reception Unit there are the following areas, with challenges that link to children's current learning and interests.
Below you can view some videos of our Reception Unit and the provision we offer.
Reception Continuous Provision Learning
Indoor Learning Environment:
- maths area, with resources linked to number, shape, space and measure
- literacy area, with phonics resources and mark making materials to support children in their independent reading and writing
- reading corner, with books related to our current focus, as well as a wide range of information, fiction and poetry books to choose from
- role play area linked to our current topic, allowing children to develop story telling and personal and social skills
- workshop/creation station for children to access a range of tools such as scissors, glue, hole punches and sellotape, for creating their own models and designs. There is also a malleable area where children can use a range of tools with play dough and other materials to develop their fine motor skills.
- construction area, including wooden blocks and construction toys
- investigation area for children to test out ideas and make observations about the world around them
- creative art area with a range of tools and materials for painting and other art work.
Outdoor classroom:
Children in reception have daily access to the outdoor area, which includes the following areas;
- Broadoak Beach, including sieves, trowels, spades, pots and pans
- active and adventure area for climbing and balancing
- water area with various resources such as pipes, funnels and containers
- digging and minibeast area, with magnifying glasses, bug pots and digging equipment
- construction area, for children to make large scale models, using crates, tyres and blocks
Our Reception Learning Environment
Our Reception Unit provides children with a wealth of opportunities to engage in learning through play.
Reception Enhanced Provision Learning
The Reception staff skilfully enhance the continuous provision areas to reflect the topics being covered. Focused tasks are integrated into the areas to drive forward children's learning. One to one or group learning activities are delivered with growing frequency as the children develop and mature during the year.
Children engage with differentiated phonics sessions, one to one reading sessions, differentiated maths carpet sessions and much more on a daily or weekly basis.
Frequently asked questions by new to Reception parents...
Does Broadoak have a designated 'catchment' area?
There is no set catchment area as each year this can varying depending on application numbers.
Does Broadoak offer wrap around care for children?
PlayKidds, an independent provider, offers before school and after school care.
Do Reception children wear uniform?
At Broadoak, all children wear a school uniform. Our uniform is available to view on our information section of our school website.
Do Reception children need a PE kit?
Yes. Reception children will have a PE session with the Sports Coaches each week and will need to arrive at school on their allocated PE day in their PE kit – black tracksuit bottoms or leggings, white T-shirt, plain black hoodie or sweat shirt, trainers.
What happens during a Reception day?
- Children enter the unit and after washing hands, go to their allocated classroom carpet for registration and to make their lunch choice for the day. There will be a short handwriting practise session as well as learning songs.
- Children have a 20 minute phonic session before going out to the main KS1 playground for a 15 minute playtime.
- Milk and snack are available after playtime before children have a 20 minute maths focus carpet session.
- Children have a 45 minute leading learning session where they are able to free flow throughout the unit and follow their interests.
- Lunch is from 11:45 – 12:15pm in the KS1 hall.
- After lunch there is a 30 minute relax and video time.
- Following afternoon registration, there is a 20 minute topic carpet session before are able to lead their own learning for the remainder of the afternoon.
- During afternoon leading learning time, small focus groups are taken by staff including writing groups, maths groups and revisit learning groups.
- Tidy up happens at 2:30pm to ensure everyone is able to prepare for going home and a story is shared to end the day.
What time do I drop off my child? What time do I pick up my child?
The school operate a staggered drop off and pick up system. Drop off is from 8:45am - 8:55am and collection is from 3:20pm - 3:30pm.
Do I need to pay for anything?
You do not need to pay for your child’s school lunch as this is paid for by the governments Universal Free School Meals. We have a voluntary Early Years Fund of £6 per term which we use to cover small consumables such a baking ingredients, curriculum enhancements etc
When can the children use the outdoor areas?
Children are able to free flow into the outdoor provision each afternoon.
Does my child mix with children in the other class or do they just play with their class?
At Broadoak we have a 60 place Reception Unit which operates over 3 indoor classrooms and 1 outdoor classroom. The children are grouped into two classes however during learning through play activities, the children can free flow into any area within the unit. Children may be grouped across the classes for maths and phonics at different times during the year.
What do the children have for lunch?
See link for a copy of the lunch menu rotation
Are there any more snacks during the day?
All children under 5 have a free drink of milk during snack time at 10:15am. Children over 5 are able to pay for milk if they would like to do so. All children receive a free piece of fruit. No other snacks are permitted.
How is reading taught at Broadoak?
A variety of reading schemes are used at Broadoak. Decodable books as well as sight based books are used to embed strong reading strategies. Differentiated daily phonics sessions are also delivered. Guided reading sessions are used to develop comprehension and stamina. A love of reading is developed through regular class reading sessions.
Useful Broadoak Web Page Links: